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The articles posted here are aimed to provide value to any business leader.
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Wear 6 Hats to Think Better
There is a method designed to expand the effectiveness of your thinking called 6 Thinking Hats. This protocol, developed by Dr Edward De Bono improves meetings, brainstorming and problem solving by ensuring all aspects of a situation are fully considered. The 6 thinking hats are easy to introduce to a group and effectively improve communication and speed up planning time. Read this article to learn more.
The Parts of a Perfect Product Page
A product landing page is an important aspect of selling direct to end user customers. The landing page educates the shopper on the value your product or service can bring them. Improve conversions on your site by focusing on the aspects revealed within this article.
5 Qualities of a Healthy Sales Team
In this article I review 5 characteristics of a healthy sales team. From establishing structure and processes to devising plans and taking strategic action, we'll delve into the essential qualities that contribute to a high performing sales team. This article provides additional insights on how to check in on the health of your sales team.
What Disc Golf Can Teach Us About Business
In this article I share a hobby of mine and the lessons disc golf has taught me. I draw a parallel to how those same areas exist in your business as well.
Q4 2023 - ASC Quarterly Newsletter
A newsletter designed to help leaders. Read along for current insights I believe to be impactful in today's business. This edition contains article shares, a review of some tweets, links to content from other smart people and thoughts on the months ahead.
Smart Stats: Americas Top Retailers (2023)
Smart Stats is a series where Andrew Stryffeler shares observations, insights and takeaway from a recent study, research or data set.
This smart stat looks at the Top 15 US retailers, providing takeaways and sharing customer demographic insights for the the top 3 of Walmart, Amazon & Costco.
Cascading KPIs to Improve Performance
This article goes into detail about the power of cascading and implementing KPIs at multiple levels of an organization by looking at a problem and solution example.
The Power of 7 Levers…Twice
This article goes into detail on the power of 7 levers every company has to increase growth or profits. Read this to learn powerful business management advice on the specific areas for focus in to grow sales or to increase cash.
Smart Stats: Worker Status
Smart Stats is a series where Andrew Stryffeler shares observations, insights and takeaway from a recent study, research or data set.
This smart stat looks at data around on-site, hybrid and remote workers.
Lessons Learned: Product Lifecycle
The lessons learned series focus on a specific time I made a mistake and the valuable lessons learned. Read on to hear about a time I was wrong about a product’s lifecycle and the knowledge gained.
Improving Supplier Relationships
Supplier relationships need to be maintained. Read this article to learn the critical aspects of supplier relationship management, how to know if yours need work and some tips for your business.
Sales Funnel: More Than a Wishing Well
Companies benefit from a well defined and formalized sales funnel. Read more for details on the sales funnel stages, benefits of establishing your sales funnel and practical applications for each step.
Using SIOP to Solve Inventory Mix
SIOP is a powerful operational methodology that can be used to achieve alignment within your teams and towards the companies financial objectives. This article summarizes what SIOP is and goes into detail on practical application.
Building Teams That Win
I notice a correlation between a team's success and the degree to which they focus on their vision, mission, capacity, and learning. This article goes into using those principles (VMCL) to lead teams.